HP Video Coordinator / FAQ

What assets can be published to downstream systems (CAP/Sales Central/other publishers) from Asset Hub?

Publishing to downstream systems (CAP/CDS+/FAST) done from Media Bin under following conditions:
Asset Category = Video Product Overview/Video Corporate/Video Animation/Video Support
Disclosure Level = Public
BC Account = exists
Deployable Flag (Publish Flag) = TRUE
Metadata validity flag = VALID (set by filling out all mandatory metadata per each asset category)
Valid deployment flag  =TRUE
Product OID (Assigned) = exists (set by filling out SMS Secondary product association)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Publishing to Brightcove – done from Asset Hub under following conditions:
Asset Category = Video Product Overview/Video Corporate/Video Animation/Video Support/Video Event
Disclosure Level = Public
BC Account = exists
Deployable Flag (Publish Flag) = TRUE
Metadata validity flag = VALID (set by filling out all mandatory metadata per each asset category)